Saturday, 28 September 2013


I was inspired by other photographers to be influenced just by our surroundings which are on our door step.
Whilst walking to Somerset House for London fashion week I came across the big Ben and Westminster abbey in the background, and luckily my model was wearing the perfect top - the union jack colours.

I decided to use these 2 photographs as the background have famous London trademarks - the red bus and the big ben.
I decided to colour splash the union jack colours and the big ben to make it stand out from everything else and therefore make the theme more obvious.

Hola Senorita...

Whist on holiday in Spain, I decided to take pictures of my little sister to go towards my A level photography work.
I wanted them to have an editorial fashion feel to them with an exotic background.


So the beautiful Anna approached me to take photo's of her so that she can include them on her blog(, of course I jumped to the chance and was flattered.

Her main aim was to show off her autumnal outfit so I decided to have the flowers setting in the background as I feel that it gives off the autumnal feel which is fast approaching.
I got her to pose in many different styles so that she could show off each layer and aspect of her outfit which she has thought out thoroughly, such as the knitted cardi and the cute heeled Chelsea boots.

I also did some close up shots to show of the shine and curls in her hair as well as to emphasis the natural look makeup and her jewellery choice.

Model: Anna From Annas-Block


On Thursday 17th September, I went to London Fashion Weekend with two of my friends.
I wanted to go to not only keep up to date with the latest trend but also to capture some photographs worthy enough to go towards my Photography A level.

To make my coursework stand out I decided to put in some extra effort of making sure that I have a front row seat to ensure that my photographs are fully focused on the model and the outfit (which is obviously the main element) therefore I chose to focus on the outfits rather than the models face, this is so that the textures and patterns of the material are sharp.

Beauty And Brains

These photographs are towards my A - Level photography coursework. I have chosen the broad theme of portraits as that is what I have a high interest in, especially fashion photography from being inspired by amazing photographers such as Tim Walker, Lara Jade and Nick Knight. 

These group of photographs have a purposeful fashion feel to them as well as being natural to an extent. 
I have given them the title of 'Beauty and brains' as I wanted to portray that education can have a fashionable and beauty side to the students and not just the original stereotypical thought of a nerdy intelligent student.


These photographs went towards my AS Level photography exam piece. 
We were given the theme of 'covert and obscured' in which we were allowed to explore it in any way that we wanted to. 

I chose to explore it using people as my main focus and use obvious and those which are not as such. This group of photographs have a purposeful illusion theme which aims to 'obscure' reality.