Megan Stenhouse Photography
Tuesday, 19 November 2013
Sunday, 13 October 2013
These photographs are towards my 'London girl' topic. As you can see they all include the iconic London sights.
They were taken on a SLR camera, developed and enlarged myself.
Thursday, 3 October 2013
Anna's Block #2
Saturday, 28 September 2013
I was inspired by other photographers to be influenced just by our surroundings which are on our door step.
Whilst walking to Somerset House for London fashion week I came across the big Ben and Westminster abbey in the background, and luckily my model was wearing the perfect top - the union jack colours.
I decided to use these 2 photographs as the background have famous London trademarks - the red bus and the big ben.
I decided to colour splash the union jack colours and the big ben to make it stand out from everything else and therefore make the theme more obvious.
Hola Senorita...
Whist on holiday in Spain, I decided to take pictures of my little sister to go towards my A level photography work.
I wanted them to have an editorial fashion feel to them with an exotic background.